
This Blog/Site is dedicated to the study, preservation, and sharing of historical information about our beloved Chattanooga Central High School by all interested parties.

If you have information appropriate for the site, contact Bob Johnson at MrCentral65@comcast.net.  For those interested in becoming authors or contributors, Bob can also help you obtain necessary credentials.

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7 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Where to start? I think our long-term goal is to document enough information to make a credible reference book on the history of Old Central. Maybe a start is to summarize what we
    have ready access to:

    Yearbooks: 1911, 1913-69
    Digests Oct 1910-Mar 1912; 1929-1969 (New School Library)
    Chattanooga Times, Free Press and Star from 1906- forward (Chattanooga Library)
    Reports of the School Superintendent in the Hamilton County Library

    We eventually need to access reports to the State Superintendent, and various school reports documenting faculties, graduating students, and architectural drawings in the State Archives in Nashville.

    Our first effort should be to develop troops on the ground that can access information in person until such time that the information can be scanned and digitized for remote access. This may require regular liaison with other volunteer groups embarking on school and community service projects – both alumni and current student/faculty organizations.

    1. Please advise during the years 1907 – 1909, did blacks attend this school. If not what was the name of the high school thay attended?

      Thank you

      Pat Lucas

  2. The history of Central would make great reading to every student who attended this hallowed ground.

    My father attended Central, as did my older brother. However, they both dropped out to join our military services. My dad attended around 1935 and my brother around 1958. I would love to be able to see if either of their names and pictures appeared in any of the school publications.

    I’d also enjoy seeing architectural drawings of the original building as well as seeing the final
    layout as we knew it in 1962.

    To all of you who take on this endevor, know that your hard work is and will be, greatly appreciated by all.

    Kindest regards,
    Marshall L. Harris
    Class of 1962

  3. The Committee did a great job in organizing the ceremony. I was truly honored by being asked to address the group that was present. Knowing the legion of great graduates from Central made it very difficult to pay proper respect to the school but I promised to make it short and hope that my remarks in some small way will help to rekindle the Central Spirit in the future. Jerry Summers, ’59

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